Because every Superstar business needs their Superstar backup dancers!

Why hire a VA


Are you feeling burnout and looking to reduce stress?

Would you like to earn more money and grow your business?

Would you like more time to do the things you enjoy?

Have you put those tasks off for so long that you don’t know where to start?


We can help!

Book a Discovery Call

How we make your life easier?


We create more happiness and peace of mind, allowing you and your business to prosper.

Provide you with more time to spend on your income generating tasks and with clients.

Provide you with more time to spend on your income generating tasks and with clients.

Help you sleep easier and enjoy life more by reducing your stress levels.


Sound good? Lets go!



Provided on:
Pay As You Go Basis or
Retained Contract (which guarantees availability)

Here are common things that entrepreneurs can delegate to save their time and energy

  • Email Management
  • Diary and travel management
  • Client onboarding
  • Social media management
  • Appointment booking / reminders
  • On-line file management
  • Sending thank you’s & gifts
  • Selecting photos for social media
  • Image Design
  • Creating PDF documents
  • Formatting emails to be sent in email systems such as Mailchimp, Kajabi.
  • Management of Team
  • Accounting/Expenses
  • Project Management
  • Research, analytics & data entry
  • Forecasting, Budgeting, Reporting and Price Negotiation
  • Website Management
  • Video editing including adding branding and subtitles, ready to upload to YouTube or IGTV.
  • Landing Pages – ClickFunnels, Kajabi, LeadPages
  • Audio transcription
  • Event coordination
  • Client and supplier communication
  • Spreadsheet creation and updating
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Proofreading
  • Email Management
  • Diary and travel management
  • Client onboarding
  • Social media management
  • Appointment booking / reminders
  • On-line file management
  • Sending thank you’s & gifts
  • Selecting photos for social media
  • Image Design
  • Creating PDF documents
  • Formatting emails to be sent in email systems such as Mailchimp, Kajabi.
  • Management of Team
  • Accounting/Expenses
  • Project Management
  • Research, analytics & data entry
  • Forecasting, Budgeting, Reporting and Price Negotiation
  • Website Management
  • Video editing including adding branding and subtitles, ready to upload to YouTube or IGTV.
  • Landing Pages – ClickFunnels, Kajabi, LeadPages
  • Audio transcription
  • Event coordination
  • Client and supplier communication
  • Spreadsheet creation and updating
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Proofreading

Not on the list? - Just shout!

Book a Discovery Call

Typical Business Phases


Phase 1

(2-3 hours per week)

Getting you set up with systems and processes to being our journey of making your life easier!

Phase 2

(3-5 hours per week)

Once you’re set up and in a rhythm of working with us you are going to realize there’s way more you can hand off to free yourself up to focus on growing your business. We usually see you shift from phase 1 to phase 2 pretty quickly when you realize how great it is to receive support!

Phase 3

(5-10 hours per week)

As you grow your business, we grow with you - we’ve supported clients through the 7-figure mark in business with a lean & systemised business model of 10 hours VA support per week. One of our clients recently commented he had a $120k month, his best ever since employing our services!!

Phase 4

(10-20 hours per week)

Moving into exec level this is where you’ll get to say yes to a premium level of support - your VA will be working more hours per week to help your business scale.


All tried and tested to get the most from us



Superstar PAs Ltd was founded in June 2015 by our MD Lara Harrison, after her exit from the Corporate Banking world. After a serious re-evaluation of her life she decided to leave her job, take a risk, and try something completely different.

We understand the problems that businesses face both through experience in past careers as well as first-hand experience of running our own businesses. Yes, it’s tough out there in the world of Entrepreneurship!

To make your life easier we undertake all those important tasks within your business that keep the wheels turning, and allow you to focus on the bigger picture. We help to create more happiness and peace of mind, allowing you and your business to prosper.

If you are ready for the results that are afforded when you take that next step for your business, then click here to book a Discovery Call

Hi, i’m Lara



Our clients can’t live without us, listen here to find out.


Lemn Sissay OBE
Poet, Speaker, Writer

Marielle Legair
International Trainer
Workshop Facilitator
Race at Work Charter
Women in Leadership

Sandra Possing
Speaker + Mindset Coach

Tara Punter
Business Coach, Mindset & Marketing Expert, Qualified NLP Coach & Hypnotherapist, Podcaster; Tara Talks


Send us an email  Book a Discovery Call

or complete the form below

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